Польша. Вузы
Polpred.com > Польша > вузы ПольшиAcademy 'Adam Mickiewicz University', Poznan (UAM)
ul. H. Wieniawskiego 1 | |
Scholarship: Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Academy of Agriculture in Cracow
Hausera Street 4 37-700 Przemysl | |
Tel: +48-16-678-23-69/27-84 Fax: +48-16-678 47 88 E-Mail: pszsprzem@poczta.onet.pl Web: www.ar.krakow.pl |
Course: Undergraduate Programme | ||||||||||||||||
Academy of Business in Dabrowa Gornicza
Ul. Cieplaka 1C 41-300 Dabrowa Gornicza | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow 'Jan Matejko'
Place Matejki 13 31-157 Cracow | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Scholarship: Scholarships | ||||||||||||||||||
Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice
ul. Raciborska 37 40-074 Katowice | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Studies | ||||||||||||||||
Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan
Al. Marcinkowskiego 29 60-967 Poznan | |
Course: Graduate Studies | ||||||||||||||||||
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
International Relations Department Ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 5 00-068 Warsaw | |
Course: Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw
International Relations Office Pl. Polski 3/4 50-156 Wroclaw | |
Course: Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Academy of Music in Cracow
Sw. Tomasza 43 31-027 Cracow | |
Academy of Music in Poznan 'Ignacy Jan Paderewski'
Ul. Sw. Marcina 87 61-808 Poznan | |
Course: Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||
Academy of Music in Warsaw 'Fryderyc Chopin'
ul. Okolnik 2 00-368 Warsaw | |
Course: Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes / Music | ||||||||||||||||||
Academy of Music in Wroclaw 'Karol Lipinski'
Pl. 1 Maja 2 50-043 Wroclaw | |
Course: Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Academy of Music, Cracow (AMUZ)
ul. Úw. Tomasza 43 | |
Course: Graduate Programmes / Music | ||||||||||||||||||
Academy of Physical Education 'Eugeniusz Piasecki'
ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 27/39 | |
Course: Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes / Physical Education | ||||||||||||||||||||
AGH University of Science and Technology International School of Technology (AGH-UST)
al. Mickiewicza 30 | |
Tel: +48-12-617-3334 Fax: +48-12-617-2534 E-Mail: office@ist.agh.edu.pl Web: www.agh.edu.pl / www.ist.agh.edu.pl |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Scholarship: Scholarship | ||||||||||||||||
Agricultural University of Cracow
Al. Mickiewicza 21 31-120 Cracow | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||
Agricultural University of Wroclaw
Ul. Norwida 25 50-375 Wroclaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||
Association for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszow
Ul. Sucharskiego 2 35-225 Rzeszow | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Boleslaw Markowski Higher School of Commerce
Ul. Peryferyjna 15 25-526 Kielce | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
College of Communication and Management
Ul. Zagorze 6A 61-112 Poznan | |
Tel: +48 61 855 3261 Fax: +48 61 853 2150 E-Mail: uczelnia@wskiz.poznan.pl Web: www.wskiz.poznan.pl/1/str_i/0.php |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
College of Economics and Computer Science
Wyzwolenia 30 10-106 Olsztyn | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||
College of Socio-Economics in Tyczyn
Ul. T. Kosciuszki 4 Skr. Poczt. 10 36-200 Tyczyn | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Computer Science and Management University 'Copernicus' in Wroclaw
Ul. Inowroclawska 56 53-648 Wroclaw | |
Course: Undergraduate Programme | ||||||||||||||||
Crestochowa University of Management
Ul. Rzasawska 40 42-200 Crestochowa | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||
Economics University in Warsaw
Al. Solidarnosci 74 A 00-145 Warszawa | |
Course: Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
Pl. Politechniki 1 00-661 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes / Computer Science | ||||||||||||||||||
Family Alliance Higher School
Ul. Grzegorzewskiej 10 02-778 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz
Ul. Slowackiego 7 85-008 Bydgoszcz | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Gdansk School of Banking
Ul. Dolna Brama 8 80-821 Gdansk | |
Course: Undergraduate Programme | ||||||||||||
Higher Professional School of Krosno
Ul. Rynek 1 38-400 Krosno | |
Course: Undergraduate Studies | ||||||||||||||||||
Higher School 'Paweù Wùodkowic', Pùock
al. Kiliñskiego 12 | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||
Higher School of Administration
Ul. A. Frycza Modrzewskiego 12 43-300 Bielsko-Biala | |
Course: Undergraduate Programme | ||||||||||||||||||||
Higher School of Economics and Arts
Ul. Mazowiecka 1 B 96-100 Skierniewice | |
Tel: +48 46 832 1161/ 51 Fax: +48 46 832 1123 / 44 E-Mail: rektorat@wsehsk.home.pl Web: www.wsehsk.home.pl |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Higher School of Economics, Warsaw (WSE)
al. Solidarnoúci 74a | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||
Higher School of Humanities and Economy in Elblag
Ul. Lotnicza 2 82-300 Elblag | |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Higher School of Management/ Polish Open University
37 A Domaniewska Str. 02-672 Warsaw | |
Tel: +48 22 853 7006 / 843 7692 Fax: +48 22 853 3845 E-Mail: rektorat@wsz-pou.edu.pl Web: www.wsz-pou.edu.pl |
Course: Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Higher School of Social Knowledge
Ul. Romka Strzakowskiego 5/7 60-854 Poznan | |
Course: Undergraduate Programme | ||||||||||||||||
Higher School of Tourism and Hotel Industry
Miszewskiego 12/13 | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Scholarship: Scholarships | ||||||||||||||||
Higher Vocational State School
Ul. Partyzantow 40 22-100 Chelm | |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Higher Vocational State School in Kalisz
Ul. Nowy Swiat 4 62-800 Kalisz | |
Course: Undergraduate Studies | ||||||||||||||||||
Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
Ul. Zacisze 3 PO Box 316 40-025 Katowice | |
Course: Graduate Studies | ||||||||||||||
Katowice School of Economics (GWSH)
ul. Harcerzy Wrzeúnia 3 | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||
Kielce University of Technology
Al/1000 - Lecia Panstwa Polskiego 7 25-314 Kielce | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||
Maria Curie-Skodowska University in Lublin (UMCS)
Pl. M. Curie-Skodowskiej 5 20-031 Lublin | |
Tel: +48 81 533 3669 Web: www.umcs.lublin.pl |
Course: Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||
Maritime University of Szczecin
ul. Waly Chrobrego 1/2 70-500 Szczecin | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Medical University of Lodz
A. Kosciuszki 4 90-419 Lodz | |
Course: Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Scholarship: Scholarship | ||||||||||||||||
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Ul. Poniatowskiego 15 | |
Course: Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Medical University of Warsaw
Ul. Zwirki 1 Wigury 61 02-091 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Medical University, Byaùystok (AM)
ul. J. Kiliñskiego 1 | |
Scholarship: Scholarship | ||||||||||||||
National Louis University
Zielona 27 33-300 Nowy Sacz | |
Tel: +48 18 44 99 100 Fax: +48 18 44 99 121 E-Mail: office@wsb-nlu.edu.pl Web: www.wsb-nlu.edu.pl/index.eng.php |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Opole University (OU)
ul. Oleska 48 45-052 Opole | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||
Pedagogical University in Warsaw
Ul. Pandy 13 02-202 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Scholarship: Scholarship | ||||||||||||||||
Plock State School of Higher Education
Ul. Kosciuszki 20 09-400 Plock | |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes | ||||||||
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (PJWSTK)
86 Koszykowa Street 02-008 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes / Computer Science | ||||||||||||||||||
Polytechnic University, Biaùystok (PB)
ul. Wiejska 45a | |
Scholarship: Financial aid | ||||||||||||||
Pomeranian Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management (PATHM)
Ul. Garbary 2 85-229 Bydgoszcs | |
Course: Undergraduate Programme / Tourism, Hotel Management | ||||||||||||||||||
Poznan University of Technology
Pl. M. Sklodowskiej-Curie 60-965 Poznan | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||
Scholarship: Scholarship | ||||||||||||||
Private Higher Educational Institute in Gizycko
Ul. Daszynskiego 9 11-500 Gizycko | |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
Prof A. Meissner Higher School of Dentistry in Ustron
Ul. Sloneczna 2 43-450 Ustron | |
Course: Undergraduate Programme | ||||||||||||||||
Pultusk School of Humanities
Ul. daszynskiego 17 06-100 Pultusk | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes. | ||||||||||||||||
School of Banking and Management in Cracow
Al. Kijowska 14 30-079 Cracow | |
Course: Undergraduate Programme | ||||||||||||||||||
School of Commerce in Ruda Slaska
Ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 18 41-704 Ruda Slaska | |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
School of Entrepreneurship and Marketing in Chrzanow
Ul. Sokola 30 32-500 Chrzanow | |
Course: Undergraduate Programmes / Business | ||||||||||||||||||
Silesian Polytechnic University, Gliwice (SUT)
ul. Akademicka 2A | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||
Silesian University of Technology
Ul. Akademicka 2a 44-100 Gliwice | |
Tel: +48 32 237 1255 /231 2349 Fax: +48 32 237 1655 E-Mail: rek.sekr@polsl.gliwice.pl Web: www.polsl.gliwice.pl |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Technical University of Koszalin
Raclawicka 15/17 75-620 Koszalin | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Technical University of Lodz
Skorupki 10/12 90-924 Lodz | |
Course: Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Technical University of Opole
Ul. Mikolajczyka 5 | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Technical University of Szczecin
Al. Piastow 17 70-310 Szczecin | |
Course: Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||
Université d'agriculture de Varsovie (SGGW)
Nowoursynowska 166 02-787 Varsovie | |
Course: Cours de 3e cycle / agriculture | ||||||||||||||||||
Université médicale de Gdansk (AMDG)
Rue Sklodowska-Curie 3a 80-210 Gdansk | |
Tel: +48 58 349 2222 Web: www.amg.gda.pl |
Course: Sciences médicales | ||||||||||||||||
University College of Arts and Natural Sciences in Sandomierz
ul. Krakowska 26 27-600 Sandomierz | |
Course: Undergraduate Studies | ||||||||
University of Bielsko-Biala
Ul. Willowa 2 43-300 Bielsko-Biala | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||
University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw (WSEIZ)
Ul. Wawelska 14 02-061 Warszawa Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes / engineering | ||||||||||||||||||
University of Economics in Katowice
ul. 1 Maja 50 40-287 Katowice | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||
University of Finance and Management in Bialystok
ul. Ciepla 40 15-472 Bialystok | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||
University of Humanities and Economics in Wloclawek (WSHE)
Ul. Piwna 3 87-800 Wloclawek | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||||
University of International Studies (WSSM)
ul. Brzozowa 3 93-101 Lodz | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
University of Lodz
Ul. Narutowicza 65 90-301 Lodz | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||
University of Management and Marketing in Warsaw (WSZIM)
Al. Jerozolimskie 202 02-482 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate Studies / Business | ||||||||||||||||
University of Mining and Metallurgy
Aal Mickiwecza 30 30-059 Cracow | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
University of Podlasie
Ul. 3 Maja 54 08-110 Siedlce | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
University of Rzeszòw
Ul. Rejtana 16 C 35-959 Rzeszòw | |
Tel: +48 17 862 5628 Web: www.univ.rzeszow.pl |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||
University of Silesia
ul. Bankowa 12 | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||
University of Zielona Gòra
ul. Podgorna 50 65-246 Zielona Gora | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||
University School of Physical Education in Warsaw (AWF)
Al. I.J. Paderewskiego 35 51-612 Wroclaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Warsaw Customs Study College
Str. Jagiellonska 71 00-992 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate Studies | ||||||||||||||||||
Scholarship: Scholarships | ||||||||||||||||
Warsaw School of Economics
Al. Niepodleglosci 162 02-554 Warsaw | |
Course: Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||
Warsaw University
Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||
Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
Pl. Politechniki 1 00-661 Warsaw | |
Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes | ||||||||||||||||||||