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'Iuliu Hatieganu' University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca (UMF)

Strada Emil Isac 13
Tel: +40-264-59-72-56
Fax: +40-264-59-72-57
E-Mail: dri@umfcluj.ro
Web: www.umfcluj.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate and Postrgraduate Programmes
Study Domain medicine, pharmacy and pharmacology

Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest (AES)

Piata Romana 6, Sector 1 Bucharest
Tel: +40-21-319-1900
Fax: +40-21-312-9549
E-Mail: rectorat@ase.ro
Web: www.ase.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate Degree Programmes
Study Domain accounting, administration, agronomic sciences, business, business administration, communication, economic and commercial sciences, economy, finance, international business, international law, international relations, international studies, marketing, political economy, trade
Programmes: Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D. degrees; diploma for post-academic studies.
Duration: 4 years beginning 1 October.
Languages: Romanian; English; French; German.

Babes-Bolyai University

Street Mihail Kogalniceanu, Nr. 1
Tel: +40-264-405-300
Fax: +40-264-591-906
E-Mail: staff@staff.ubbcluj.ro
Web: www.ubbcluj.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields
Programmes: Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D.; non-degree programmes.
Open to: admission tests needed.
Duration: depending on programme: 1 to 6 years beginning 16 September.
Fees: registration for doctoral students: US$340; tuition fees: US$300; $500 up to US$3,200 per year (Ph.D. students pay US$1,500 per year); living costs: 150 Euro per month.
Languages: Romanian, German, Hungarian, English, French, Italian, depending on programme.
Applications: apply by 15 August to andreeaciuraubb@yahoo.com or directly to the university; consult website for further information: www.ubbcluj.ro

 Scholarship: Government Scholarship
Study Domain all major fields
Open to: good academic standing.
Duration: from 3 months to completion of studies; not renewable.
Value: USD$50 per month.
Applications: apply by 1 September; contact Andreea Ciura; tel: +4 0264 195 051.

Emanuel University of Oradea (EUO)

Street Nufarului 87 Oradea
Tel: +40-259-426-692
Fax: +40-259-426-692
E-Mail: secretariat@emanuel.ro
Web: www.emanuel.ro

 Course: Undergraduate Degree Programmes
Study Domain business administration, literature and civilization, music and musicology, social work, theology, religion
Programmes: Bachelor's degrees in theology, business management.
Open to: contact admissions office for details.
Duration: 4 years.
Fees: tuition fees: $600; living costs: $550.
Languages: language proficiency in Romanian and English (business management).
Applications: contact: Marcela Tarau at the above address.

Gh. Dima Music Academy (AMGD)

25, I. C. Bratianu Street
Tel: +40-264-591-241
Fax: +40-264-598-958
E-Mail: amgd@amgd.utcluj.ro
Web: www.amgd.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes
Study Domain continuing education, education, music and musicology, performing arts, teacher education, vocational training
Programmes: Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D. degree programmes at 3 faculties: instruments, theoretic, stage art; 1 college department; department of distance learning.
Description: diploma programmes in: piano, strings, winds, percussion, composition, musical and pedagogy, musicology, song, choreography.
Duration: 5 years beginning in October.
Fees: tuition fees: US$470 per month; living costs: US$200 per month.

 Scholarship: Governmental Scholarship
Study Domain all major fields
Duration: 1 year; renewable each year.
Value: up to US$470 per month.
Applications: apply in September prior to year of study to Jean-Marie Ciofu, Ministry of Education and Research, Bucharest, +40 21 314 2680.

Ovidius University of Constantza (OUC)

Bd Mamaia 124 8700 Constantza 2A
Tel: +40-241-618-372
Fax: +40-241-618-372
E-Mail: rectorat@univ-ovidius.ro
Web: www.univ-ovidius.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields, summer programmes
Programmes: Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D. degree programmes.
Description: programmes consist of lectures, seminars, laboratory and clinical practice.
Open to: all nationalities; language proficiency and admission tests required.
Duration: 3 to 6 years; courses begin in October.
Fees: registration fee: US$360; tuition: US$360; living costs: US$300-$400.
Languages: Romanian, English, French, German.
Applications: apply by late September to rectorat@campus.univ-ovidius.ro; tel: +40 241 511 512.

 Scholarship: Scholarship
Study Domain all major fields
Scholarships: Scholarships awarded by the Ministry of Education and Research.
Description: for all levels of study offered by the University.
Duration: throughout academic training.
Applications: contact: Ministry of Education and Research; website: http://www.edu.ro; tel: +40 21 313 1013.

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB)

124 Lacul Tei Boulevard
Tel: +40-21-242-1208
Fax: +40-21-242-0781
E-Mail: manoliu@hidro.utcb.ro
Web: www.utcb.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain building industry, civil engineering
Programmes: programme of study leading to degrees equivalent to Bachelor and Master of Science in civil engineering, building services.
Duration: 5 years beginning in October.
Fees: tuition: US$3,200 per year; living costs: US$200-$250 per month.
Languages: Romanian, English, French.
Applications: apply by 1 September to nicoleta@hidro.utcb.ro or iolcold@instal.utcb.ro.

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (IASI)

Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu, 3
Tel: +40-232-213-069
Fax: +40-232-260-650
E-Mail: rectorat@univagro-iasi.ro
Web: www.univagro-iasi.ro

 Course: Agriculture, Veterinary Programmes
Study Domain agriculture, food industry, horticulture, veterinary medicine
Programmes: Programmes of study in agriculture, and veterinary studies.
Open to: all nationalities meeting academic and linguistic requirements; upper-intermediate level of Romanian required; authorization of Ministry of Education and Research necessary.
Duration: 5 to 6 months beginning 1 October.
Fees: tuition: US$320 per month; living costs: US$100 per month.
Financial assistance: scholarships available; possibility of US$50 per month living allowance.
Applications: apply by June to July to the Ministry of Education and Research.

University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMVB)

Boulevard Marasti, 59
Tel: +40-21-224-25-76
Fax: +40-21-224-28-15
E-Mail: post@info.usamv.ro
Web: www.usab.ro/en

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain agriculture, agronomic sciences, cattle breeding, veterinary medicine, veterinary sciences

University of Bucharest (UB)

Bd. Mihail Kogalniceanu 36-46, Sector 5, 70 609
Tel: +40-21-307-7300
Fax: +40-21-313-1760
E-Mail: info@unibuc.ro
Web: www.unibuc.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programme
Study Domain biology, education, humanities and arts, languages, law, sciences, social sciences
Programmes: (a) Bachelor's, Master's degrees in all major fields; (b) Bachelor's degree in biology, biochemistry, ecology; (c) Master's degree in comparative biology of normal and tumoral cells; plant embryology and phytodiversity.
Open to: all candidates must have 4 years of successive Romanian language classes; candidates with no knowledge of Romanian take a 1-year preparatory course: US$320.
Duration: (a) 4 to 5 years; (b) 4 years; (c) 1 year.
Fees: tuition: US$340 per month; living costs: US$8,300.
Languages: Romanian; French or English for programmes in those languages.
Applications: apply by October to Calin Tesio, tel: +40 21 411 5207; fax: +40 21 411 2310.

 Scholarship: Scholarship
Study Domain all major fields
Description: Government sponsored scholarship.
Open to: foreign students; foreign ethnic Romanian students.
Duration: 4 years.
Value: US$50 per month for 9 months.
Applications: apply by 1 October to: externe@mail.unibuc.ro; tel: +40 21 30 77 321.

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova (UMFCV)

2 Petru Rares Street
Tel: +40-251-122-458
Fax: +40-251-193-077
E-Mail: rector@umfcv.ro
Web: www.umfcv.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Certificate Programmes
Study Domain continuing education, education, health and hygiene, languages, medicine, nursing, physical education, sciences, summer programmes, teacher education
Programmes: Bachelor's, Ph.D. degrees; certificate programmes.
Description: licence diploma for pharmacy and physical therapy; graduation diploma; medical doctor for general medicine and dentistry; Ph.D.; diploma of competence for postgraduate study with different specialities; certificate for refresher course.
Open to: candidates with Romanian or English language proficiency; students arriving under bilateral agreements between partner university should check with International Relations Department (Socrates office) of the University.
Held: training programmes organized in university clinics, hospitals and laboratories, all located near the city centre.
Duration: 6 years commencing 1 October; Summer courses available.
Fees: tuition: US$360 per month; living costs: US$100-$200 per month.
Applications: apply by 1 November to: International Relations Admission Office at: intrel@umfcv.ro.

 Scholarship: Bursary and/or Tuition Waiver
Study Domain all major fields, medicine, pharmacy and pharmacology
Scholarships: University bursary and/or tuition waiver.
Open to: candidates with a high academic average for the previous year.
Duration: 3-5-6 years duration depending on programme of study.
Value: undergraduate students: US$50 per month; graduate students: US$56 per month; tuition waiver (non hard-currency account).
Applications: apply 2 months before commencement of courses: intrel@umfcv.ro.

University of Oradea (UO)

5, Armatei Romane Oradea
Tel: +40-259-432-830
Fax: +40-259-432-789
E-Mail: rectorat@uoradea.ro
Web: www.uoradea.ro

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields
Programmes: Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D. degree programmes; language courses.
Open to: candidates passing 2 admission tests.
Duration: 4 to 6 years depending on programme.
Fees: tuition fees: US$320-$760; living costs: U$50.
Applications: apply by 1 October to the above address.

 Scholarship: Scholarships
Study Domain all major fields
Duration: 1 year.
Value: US$360 per month during the study period.
Applications: apply by 15 June to abalasco@uoradea.ro; or phone: +40 259 467 642.