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Швеция. Вузы

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Bank of Sweden, Tercentenary Foundation (BOS)

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond Tyrgatan 4 P.O. Box 5675 114 86 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 506 26400
Fax: +46 8 506 26435
E-Mail: rj@rj.se
Web: www.rj.se

 Scholarship: Research grants
Study Domain all major fields
Scholarships: research grants (twice a year).
Subjects: primarily research in the humanities and social sciences.
Open to: suitably qualified researchers; foreign applicants must submit a research project for cooperation with Swedish scholars or research institutes.
Applications: to the Programme Secretary for further information.

Chalmers University of Technology

SE-412 96 Göteborg
Tel: +46 31 772 1000
Fax: +46 31 772 3872
Web: www.chalmers.se/Home-E.html

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields, engineering
Programmes: B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Arch. and maritime programmes; Licentiate and Ph.D. programmes as well as the International Master's programmes.
Open to: candidates of any nationality; Master's programmes require B.Sc. or B.Eng. or equivalent.
Duration: Bachelor's: variable; Master's: 12 to 18 months; courses begin in September.
Languages: Swedish and English.
Applications: to the International Secretariat, at the above address.

Dalarna University College (HID)

Högskolan i Dalarna P.O. Box 1992 SE-79188 Falun
Tel: +46 23 778 000
Web: www2.du.se/eng

 Course: Rehabilitation Programmes
Study Domain engineering, health and hygiene, psychology, Scandinavian studies, Swedish
Programmes: rehabilitation engineering programme: medical course for engineers; rehabilitation and society, behavioural science, engineering technology for the disabled. Swedish language and culture for foreign students.
Description: programmes for the development or adaptation of technical devices like computers or wheelchairs for people with disabilities.
Open to: nationals of any country with less than 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits (one year of full-time studies) left of their B.Sc. in engineering who wish to include a supplementary study programme in their degree; no age limit.
Duration: 1 year.
Fees: tuition free; living expenses: approx. US$900 per month; student union fee approx. US$60 per year (approximate figures).
Languages: Instruction in English.
Applications: to the International Students Admissions Office, at the above address.

Göteborg University (GU)

Tel: +46-31-773-1000
Fax: +46-31-773-1064
E-Mail: study.info@gu.se
Web: www.gu.se/English/default.html

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields, summer programmes
Programmes: undergraduate courses in: (a) fields of the five faculties of mathematics and natural sciences, medicine, odontology, social sciences (including teacher training), and arts and humanities; (b) business administration and economics, mathematics and natural sciences, medicine, social sciences; (c) Summer courses; various courses in all major fields.
Open to: candidates of any nationality.
Duration: (a) and (b) variable; (c) 5 to 10 weeks.
Languages: Instruction in English; Swedish and/or English for (a).
Applications: guest students: by 1 December, through the Swedish Embassies; further information may be obtained from the International Office, at the above address.

Jönköping International Business School (JBS)

PO Box 1026
Tel: +46-36-157-501
Fax: +46-36-302-141
Web: www.jibs.se

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes
Study Domain accounting, administration, business, business administration, economic and commercial sciences, economy, finance, industry and commerce, international business, international law, international relations, management, marketing, political economy, political science, trade
Programmes: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programmes leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. degrees.
Description: Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. degrees in business administration, economics, business informatics, commercial law.
Fees: no tuition fees; living costs: approx. US$650 per month.
Languages: English.
Applications: for information contact Peter Hilton at the above address.

Jönköping University (JU)

P.O. Box 1026 SE-55111 Jönköping
Tel: +46 36 157 700
Fax: +46 36 157 718
E-Mail: international.office@hlk.hj.se
Web: www.hj.se/eng

 Course: Graduate Programmes
Study Domain engineering
Programmes: graduate programmes at the School of Engineering.
Open to: see website for eligibility and other information http://www.ing.hj.se/eng.

 Course: Certificate Programmes / Health Care
Study Domain biology, gerontology, nursing, social work
Programmes: certificate programme at the School of Health Sciences in community health nursing, care and social services for the elderly and their families, experimental molecular biology, cell and molecular biology.
Open to: students generally eligible to university studies and with relevant degrees/diplomas.
Duration: 5-week modules.
Languages: instruction in English.

 Course: Undergraduate Programmes
Study Domain audio-visual media, business administration, communication, education, Scandinavian studies
Programmes: first degree programmes of study at the School of Education and Communication (HLK) in primary education, lower secondary education, pre-school education, leisure centre pedagogy and communication studies; advanced degree programmes in education and communication studies; independent courses and training available.
Open to: applicants of any country; no age limit; check admission requirements with Admissions Office.
Applications: usually 1 May; check with the Admissions Office for the current deadlines.

Linköping University (LU)

Tel: +46-13-281-037
Fax: +46-13-281-063
Tlx: 59966 Unilin
E-Mail: kriwi@intsek.liu.se
Web: www.liu.se

 Course: Undergraduate, Postgraduate Programmes
Study Domain arts, education, health and hygiene, Scandinavian studies, sciences, technology
Programmes: undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
Description: courses include International Master's programmes in communication and interactivity; Manufacturing management, materials physics, software, integrated systems for communication and media; traffic environment and safety management; medical biology; Intercontinental Master's programme in adult learning and global change; Master's programmes in arts and science in child studies; education in outdoor environmental education and outdoor life; science in business administration/strategy and culture; arts in applied ethics; arts in language and culture in Europe; arts in Scandinavian history; science in geoinformatics; science in water resources and livelihood security; arts and science in health and society; arts and science in science/technology and society; social science in international and European relations.
Applications: to the Student Affairs Division at the above address for further information.

Luleå University (LU)

University Campus, Porsön SE-97187 Luleå
Tel: +46 920 491 000
Fax: +46 920 491 399
E-Mail: universitetet@luth.se
Web: www.luth.se/index2.en.ht

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain business administration, computer science, education, engineering, performing arts, social sciences
Programmes: (a) undergraduate and graduate studies in engineering, education, business administration and social sciences; (b) courses in computer sciences and engineering, interdisciplinary themes, performing arts.
Open to: nationals of any country.
Languages: Instruction in: (a) Swedish; (b) and (c) in English.
Applications: for further information, contact the International Office at the above address.

Lund University (LU)

Box 117 SE-22100 Lund
Tel: +46 46 222 0000
Fax: +46 46 222 4111
Tlx: 33533 LUNIVER S
Web: www.lu.se

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields, European studies
Programmes: (a) undergraduate and postgraduate courses in humanities and theology, law, medicine, odontology, economic, administrative and social sciences, education, technology and engineering, natural sciences and mathematics, performing arts; a year-long language course is required; (b) Master's level programmes in international law, rural development, European affairs, environmental economics.
Open to: candidates of any country.
Languages: Instruction in: (a) Swedish; (b) English.
Applications: to the Student Service Office at the above address.

 Course: Music Studies
Study Domain music and musicology
Programmes: advanced course in music interpretation for foreign students at the Malmö Academy of Music.
Open to: applicants who have completed a 4-year university study programme.
Duration: 1 to 2 years; courses begin in August.
Fees: none.
Languages: good knowledge of English is required.
Applications: further information at the Malmö Academy of Music P.O. Box 8203, SE-20041 Malmö; website http://www.mhm.lu.se/eng/default.html; tel.+46 40 325 450; fax +46 40 325 460.

Mälardalens Högskolla (MH)

P.O. Box 883 721 23 Västerås
Tel: +46 21 101 300
E-Mail: info@mdh.se
Web: www.mdh.se

 Course: Diploma, Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain cultural studies, languages, literature and civilization, Scandinavian studies, summer programmes, Swedish
Programmes: (a) Aros Summer University: courses in Swedish language, culture and literature, language training; study visits and leisure programme also offered; (b) course diploma in Swedish language, society and culture for foreign students; (c) B.A. or M.A. in business administration.
Open to: beginners and advanced students of any country; no age limit; (b) and (c) 1 year university studies required.
Duration: (a) 3 weeks; (b) 4 months for semester course; 3 weeks for Summer course; (c) 1 to 2 years.
Fees: no tuition fee for semester courses; (approximate figures) (a) 9,000 kronor with single room accommodation; 6,000 kronor with double room; (b) Summer course: 6,000-9,000 kronor; estimated living costs: 5,000-7,500 kronor per month (c) estimated living costs: 5,000-7,500 kronor per month.
Languages: instruction in Swedish and English.
Applications: by 2 May to the International Office at the above address.

Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

Nordiska Afrikainstitutet P.O. Box 1703 SE-75147 Uppsala
Tel: +46 18 562 200
Fax: +46 18 562 290
E-Mail: nai@nai.uu.se
Web: www.nai.uu.se/indexeng.html

 Scholarship: Postgraduate Research
Study Domain economy, history, political science, travel grants
Scholarships: (a) Travel Grants Programme; (b) Study Grants Programme; (c) African Guest Researchers' Scholarship Programme; (d) Nordic Guest Researchers' Scholarship Programme.
Open to: (a), (b) primarily scholars from university institutions in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland and writers and journalists for publication reasons; (c), (d) scholars in Africa engaged in research on/about the African continent.
Place of study: exclusively in Africa for field work and Uppsala for research.
Value: generally economy air travel and accommodation, subsistence allowance, equipped office space and access to research facilities.
Applications: to the above address, indicating the title of scholarship sought: application deadlines (a) 1 October; (b), (d) 1 April; (c) 16 May; see web page http://www.nai.uu.se/stip/scholars.html.

Nordic School of Public Health (NHV)

Box 12133 SE-402 42 Göteborg
Tel: +46 31 693 900
Fax: +46 31 691 777
Web: www.nhv.se/index_e.html

 Course: Diploma, Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes
Study Domain health and hygiene
Programmes: postgraduate training programme in public health: (a) Diploma of Public Health; (b) Master of Public Health; (c) Doctor of Public Health; (d) Short non-degree courses in public health: public health science, epidemiology, management of Nordic health care, environmental health, caring science, international health.
Open to: (a) to (c) mainly Nordic (but also Baltic) postgraduate professionals, working in the public health field; (d) persons professionally active in the Nordic public health field, including social services and other areas of prevention and health promotion with academic attainment equivalent to 3 years of university study.
Duration: diploma: 8 months; Master's: 2 years; Doctorate: 4 years; short courses: 2 to 8 weeks.
Fees: no tuition fees; 750 kronor per month service; 1.000 kronor per month accommodation (approximate figures).
Languages: instruction in Scandinavian languages and English.
Applications: by May of the preceding year, to the above address.

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan SE-10044 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 790 6000
Fax: +46 8 790 8192
Tlx: 11421 kth
E-Mail: international@admin.kth.se
Web: www.kth.se/eng

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain architecture, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, electricity and electronics, engineering, geodesy, management, mathematics, mechanical engineering, physics, technology, telecommunications
Programmes: programmes of courses leading to Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
Description: (a) Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in engineering, (b) Master of Science (M.Sc.) in engineering, (c) Master's programmes in English.
Open to: (a) and (b) candidates of any nationality holding a secondary school certificate including mathematics, physics and chemistry and with certified knowledge in English and Swedish; (c) candidates holding a Bachelor's degree in relevant subject and with knowledge in English (TOEFL 570/IELTS 6.0).
Duration: (a) 3 years, (b) 4-1/2 years, (c) 1-1/2 years.
Fees: no tuition fees; living costs: approx. 7,200 kronor per month.
Applications: to the above address for further information.

Royal University College of Music in Stockholm

Kungl. Musikhögskolan Box 277 11 SE-11591 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 161 800
Fax: +46 8 664 1424
E-Mail: international@kmh.se

 Course: Music Studies
Study Domain music and musicology
Programmes: comprehensive music-training programmes consisting of music teacher training; church music; composition; orchestra/choir conducting; soloist diploma for singers and instrumentalists.
Open to: applicants selected on the basis of their results in the entrance examinations and auditions; all candidates must appear in person for the auditions; no tapes are accepted.
Languages: instruction totally in Swedish.
Applications: by January, to the above address.

Stockholm Institute of Education

International Coordinator Konradsberg 5A Box 34103 SE-10026 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 737 5500
Fax: +46 8 737 5501
Web: www.lhs.se

 Course: Teacher Education
Study Domain early childhood education, education, teacher education
Programmes: programmes and courses in teacher training and education for all school levels, and in child care and research and development work in connection with these specific areas.
Open to: students who have successfully completed upper-secondary education; some courses and programmes require previous university studies.
Fees: no tuition fees.
Languages: instruction in Swedish; some courses and programmes are offered for English-speaking students.
Applications: for further information contact the Student Office or International Office, at the above address.

Stockholm School of Economics

P.O: Box 6501 SE-113 83 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 736 9000
Fax: +46 8 318 186
E-Mail: info@hhs.se
Web: www.hhs.se/

 Course: Graduate, Postgraduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields, accounting, business, business administration, development studies, economic and commercial sciences, economy, European studies, finance
Programmes: (a) Master of Science programme in economics, business administration and law; (b) International Graduate Programme in economics, business administration, law; (c) Doctoral Programme in economics, business administration, law.
Open to: (a) citizens of the Nordic countries and foreign students fluent in Swedish or students selected by the partner universities of the SSE; (b) students with a college degree (or equivalent) with a major in economics and/or business; (c) varies by department.
Duration: (a) 4 years; (b) 3 semesters; (c) 4 years.
Fees: (a) no fees are currently charged for the degree programme; (b) tuition, 30,000 kronor per semester (approximate figures).
Financial assistance: some assistance available to those in the doctoral programme.
Languages: instruction in Swedish and English.

Stockholm University (SU)

International Student Office SE-10691 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 162 845
Fax: +46 8 161 397
Tlx: 81 05 199 Univers
E-Mail: gunnar.arrhed@sb.su.se
Web: www.su.se

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields
Programmes: undergraduate and graduate programmes in natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and law.
Open to: candidates of all nationalities; candidates for graduate programmes must hold a university degree in either political science, sociology, economic history or social anthropology; applicants must submit results of TOEFL with a minimum score of 550 or IELTS minimum score 6.0.
Duration: 1 to 4 years.
Fees: no tuition fee charged; mandatory student union fees of about 600 kronor per year and a compulsory health insurance fee of 750 kronor per year must be paid by student; estimated living costs: 6,500 kronor per month.
Financial assistance: possibility of obtaining Swedish government's guest scholarships; write directly to: Swedish Institute, Scholarship Section, Box 7434, 103 91 Stockholm for information.
Applications: to the above address for further information.

Swedish Institute (SI)

P.O. Box 7434 SE-10391 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 453 7800
Fax: +46 8 207 248
Tlx: 10025 swedins s
Web: www.si.se

 Course: Swedish Language
Study Domain cultural studies, languages, literature and civilization, summer programmes, Swedish
Programmes: International Summer courses in Swedish language, literature, culture and society:
Open to: candidates of any nationality, over 18 years of age, with previous studies in the Swedish language at university level.
Duration: 1 to 4 weeks during July and August.
Fees: approx. 5,800 to 7,800 kronor, including tuition, full board and lodging.
Applications: by 31 March; see http://www.sweden.se/templates/SISFrontPage____4908.asp

 Scholarship: Swedish Institute Scholarships
Study Domain all major fields
Scholarships: (a) Guest Scholarship Programme; (b) Caucasus, Central Asia and Moldova Programme; (c) Swedish-Turkish scholarships for European Studies; (d) The Visby Programme.
Open to: (a) nationals of all countries; (b) nationals of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; (c) nationals of Turkey; (d) nationals of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus see web page http://www.si.se/e_visby/2544.cs?dirid=1237
Duration: variable according to the type of award.
Applications: for (a), (b), (c) directly to the Swedish Institute, at the above address. Forms obtainable only from the Swedish Institute; prior to the application, contact must be established with a Swedish university department willing to accept the applicant; deadlines: (a)15 January; (b) 1 March; (d) 1 March: (see also Swedish Institute scholarship data base http://www.si.se/stipendie/1865.cs?dirid=114)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Box 7070 SE-750 07 Uppsala
Tel: +46 18 67 10 00
Fax: +46 18 67 35 96
Tlx: 76942 AGRUNI-S
E-Mail: registrator@slu.se
Web: www.slu.se

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain agriculture, agronomic sciences, architecture, biochemistry, biology, cattle breeding, chemistry, ecology, environment, forestry, genetics, horticulture, hydrology, microbiology, research, statistics, veterinary medicine, veterinary sciences
Programmes: programme of courses leading to Master's, Ph.D. degrees and University Diploma.
Open to: students with 3 years of secondary school; working experience may be required for some programmes.
Duration: 4-1/2 to 5-1/2 years.
Fees: estimated living expenses: 6,000 kronor per month.
Applications: through the Swedish Embassy or Consulate in candidate's home country; further information may be obtained from the Study Counsellors' Office, at the above address.

Umeå University

Tel: +46-90-786-5000
Fax: +46-90-786-9995 / 786-5488
E-Mail: umea.universitet@adm.umu.se
Web: www.umu.se

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields
Programmes: (a) undergraduate and postgraduate courses in all major fields; (b) courses in languages, literature and linguistics, mathematics and natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, law, economics.
Open to: candidates of any nationality.
Languages: instruction in: (a) Swedish; (b) English.
Applications: for further information, contact the Student Counselling Office at the above address.

University College of Dance

Danshogskolan P.O. Box 27043 SE-10251 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 459 0529
Fax: +46 8 459 0510
Web: www.danshogskolan.se/eng

 Course: Dance
Study Domain arts, performing arts
Programmes: diplomas in: (a) dance education; (b) folk dance; (c) dance performance; (d) dance therapy; (e) historical dance; (f) choreography.
Open to: candidates who have completed upper secondary school; an audition is required.
Duration: 2 to 3 years; courses begin in August.
Fees: tuition-free.
Languages: Instruction in Swedish and English.
Applications: to the International Coordinator at the above address.

University College of Opera

Operahögskolan Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 24
Tel: +46-8-545-81060
Fax: +46-8-545-81061
Web: www.operahogskolan.se

 Course: Diploma Programmes
Study Domain music and musicology
Programmes: university diploma in performing arts and media: opera singers' training programme, opera repetiteurs' training programme, opera directors' training programme.
Open to: all nationalities; applicants must be over 20 years of age.
Duration: 3-1/2 years.
Fees: none.
Languages: Instruction in Swedish.

University of Karlstad

Universitetgatan 2 SE-65188 Karlstad
Tel: +46 54 700 1000
Fax: +46 54 700 1460
E-Mail: information@kau.se
Web: www.kau.se

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields, business administration, computer science, economy, engineering, mathematics, social sciences
Programmes: (a) undergraduate courses in economics, marketing, services marketing, communication studies, politics, computer science, natural sciences; (b) Master's programme in business administration.
Open to: (a) undergraduate students of all nationalities; no age limit; good knowledge of English required; (b) all nationalities, with a Bachelor's degree in relevant business studies and a good knowledge of English.
Duration: (a) from 3 to 10 months; courses begin in either August or January; (b) 1 year.
Languages: instruction in English.
Applications: (a) by 1 June for Autumn term or 1 December for Spring term, to the International Office at the above address for further information; (b) by 1 June, to the International Office.

Uppsala University (UU)

P.O. Box 256 SE-75105 Uppsala
Tel: +46 18 471 18 62
Fax: +46 18 471 16 00
Tlx: 76024 UNIVUPS-S
E-Mail: lars.fransson@uadm.uu.se
Web: www.uu.se

 Course: Undergraduate, Graduate Programmes
Study Domain all major fields
Programmes: undergraduate and graduate programmes in theology, law, medicine, humanities, social and behavioural sciences, economics, mathematics/natural sciences and technology, business administration and economics, computer sciences and engineering, education.
Open to: candidates of any nationality with proficiency in Swedish language; most courses in English are open only to students from universities with which Uppsala University has an exchange programme (except for Master's level courses in International and comparative law, international health, International studies and South Asian studies).
Fees: tuition free; see website for estimated living costs: http://www.studyin.sweden.se
Applications: admission to all programmes and courses is restricted; applications and further information from the Division of Student Affairs at the above address.

 Course: International Programmes
Study Domain chemistry, physics
Programmes: International programmes sponsored by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, with contributions from Uppsala University and a few other sources, to assist Third World countries in creating endogenous research capacity in the chemical and physical sciences.
Open to: admission restricted.
Duration: up to 10 months.
Financial assistance: possibility of obtaining project grants.
Applications: to the above address for further information.

 Scholarship: UUISS Scholarships
Study Domain folklore, history, literature and civilization, music and musicology, sociology, Swedish, visual arts
Scholarships: Uppsala University International Summer Session Scholarships.
Description: Swedish language, arts in contemporary Scandinavia, modern Swedish social institutions, history of modern Sweden, modern Swedish literature, Swedish pop music, the Swedish film, literature course on August Strindberg.
Open to: applicants of any nationality, secondary-school graduates at least 18 years of age, eligible for university studies.
Value: approximately 1,000-11,700 kronor per month.
Applications: by 15 March, to the above address.

Örebro University (ORU)

SE-70182 Örebro
Tel: +46 19 303 000
Fax: +46 9 303 488
E-Mail: info@oru.se
Web: www.oru.se

 Course: Undergraduate Programmes
Study Domain communication, education, history, law, sciences, social sciences
Programmes: Undergraduate programmes and courses in a broad range of subjects, with emphasis on social sciences; courses in economics, social sciences, law, education, communication, history.
Open to: candidates of any country.
Languages: Instruction in Swedish and English.
Applications: for further information, contact the International Office, at the above address.