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Северные Марианские о-ва. Официальные сайты (41)

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Каталог официальных сайтов ведомств и компаний Северных Марианских островов: 41 сайт по экономике, вузам, внешней торговли, туризму. Всего 26 отраслей.

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www.Saipan.info [перевод]www.cargoexpressi.com Cargo Express Saipan
www.dof.gov.mp CNMI Department Of Finance
net.saipan.com/personal/vanlanen/info/index.htm CNMI Info A-Z
www.CNMIYellowPages.com [перевод] CNMI Yellow Pages
www.cnmilaw.org [перевод] Commonwealth Law Revision Commission
www.commerce.gov.mp Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Commerce
www.dfw.gov.mp [перевод] Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Fish and Wildlife
www.cnmihouse.gov.mp Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands House of Representatives
www.cpa.gov.mp/sai.htm Commonwealth Ports Authority
www.cjpa.gov.mp [перевод] Criminal Justice Planning Agency
www.delivertocnmi.com Deliver to CNMI
www.deq.gov.mp Division of Environmental Quality
europeana.eu/portal/brief-doc.html?query=Northern Mariana Islands&qf=TYPE:TEXT&tab=text&view=table Europeana
books.google.com/books?as_brr=3&q=Northern Mariana Islands&btnG=Search%20Books Google Books
www.gtepacifica.net GTE Pacifica
www.cnmileg.gov.mp [перевод] Legislature: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
search.mises.org/search?q=Northern Mariana Islands&site=Literature Ludwig von Mises Institute (экономика, политика)
www.ecocamp.mp Mariana Eco-Adventure Camp
www.saipan.com/edu/mhs Marianas High School
www.mvariety.com Marianas Variety News & Views
www.topix.net/world/northern-mariana-islands Northern Mariana Islands News - Topix.net
www.nmcnet.edu Northern Marianas College
www.opacnmi.com Office of the Public Auditor
www.Rota.info Rota.info
www.saipanrealestatecentral.com [перевод] Saipan Real Estate Central
www.saipantribune.com Saipan Tribune
www.saipan.com Saipan.com
www.executive.gov.mp The Executive Branch - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
www.marianatrench.com The Mariana Trench
search.nap.edu/nap-cgi/de.cgi?term=Northern Mariana Islands&x=0&y=0 The National Academies Press (наука и технологии)
www.expage.com/page/tinianshipping Tinian Shipping & Transportation
www.nps.gov/amme/main.htm [перевод] U.S. National Park Service, American Memorial Park, Saipan
islands.unep.ch/CLY.htm UN System-Wide Earthwatch: Northern Mariana Islands
www.ulib.org/cgi-bin/udlcgi/ULIBSimpleSearch.cgi?title1=Northern Mariana Islands Universal Digital Library (архив)
www.vzpacifica.net Verizon Pacifica
www.200stran.ru/maps_country187_cgroup2.html [перевод] Карты
cnmi-guide.com [перевод] Путеводители
www.justice.gov.mp/ [перевод] Судебная система
www.saipanchamber.com [перевод] Торгово-промышленная палата
www.mymarianas.com/ [перевод] Туризм