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Северные Марианские о-ва. Официальные сайты (41)

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Каталог официальных сайтов ведомств и компаний Северных Марианских островов: 41 сайт по экономике, вузам, внешней торговли, туризму. Всего 26 отраслей.

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ЭкономикаВнешняя торговляЗаконодательствоКнигиНедвижимостьОбразование, наукаРыбаСМИТранспортТуризм, визаФинансыХайтекЭкология

www.Saipan.info [перевод]net.saipan.com/personal/vanlanen/info/index.htm CNMI Info A-Z
www.commerce.gov.mp Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Commerce
www.cnmihouse.gov.mp Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands House of Representatives
www.delivertocnmi.com Deliver to CNMI
www.opacnmi.com Office of the Public Auditor
www.Rota.info Rota.info
www.executive.gov.mp The Executive Branch - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
islands.unep.ch/CLY.htm UN System-Wide Earthwatch: Northern Mariana Islands

Внешняя торговля
www.CNMIYellowPages.com [перевод] CNMI Yellow Pages
www.saipanchamber.com [перевод] Торгово-промышленная палата

www.cnmilaw.org [перевод] Commonwealth Law Revision Commission
www.cjpa.gov.mp [перевод] Criminal Justice Planning Agency
www.cnmileg.gov.mp [перевод] Legislature: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
www.justice.gov.mp/ [перевод] Судебная система

europeana.eu/portal/brief-doc.html?query=Northern Mariana Islands&qf=TYPE:TEXT&tab=text&view=table Europeana
books.google.com/books?as_brr=3&q=Northern Mariana Islands&btnG=Search%20Books Google Books
search.mises.org/search?q=Northern Mariana Islands&site=Literature Ludwig von Mises Institute (экономика, политика)
search.nap.edu/nap-cgi/de.cgi?term=Northern Mariana Islands&x=0&y=0 The National Academies Press (наука и технологии)
www.ulib.org/cgi-bin/udlcgi/ULIBSimpleSearch.cgi?title1=Northern Mariana Islands Universal Digital Library (архив)

www.saipanrealestatecentral.com [перевод] Saipan Real Estate Central

Образование, наука
www.saipan.com/edu/mhs Marianas High School
www.nmcnet.edu Northern Marianas College
www.marianatrench.com The Mariana Trench

www.dfw.gov.mp [перевод] Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Fish and Wildlife

www.mvariety.com Marianas Variety News & Views
www.topix.net/world/northern-mariana-islands Northern Mariana Islands News - Topix.net
www.saipantribune.com Saipan Tribune

www.cargoexpressi.com Cargo Express Saipan
www.cpa.gov.mp/sai.htm Commonwealth Ports Authority
www.expage.com/page/tinianshipping Tinian Shipping & Transportation

Туризм, виза
www.ecocamp.mp Mariana Eco-Adventure Camp
www.200stran.ru/maps_country187_cgroup2.html [перевод] Карты
cnmi-guide.com [перевод] Путеводители
www.mymarianas.com/ [перевод] Туризм

www.dof.gov.mp CNMI Department Of Finance

www.gtepacifica.net GTE Pacifica
www.saipan.com Saipan.com
www.vzpacifica.net Verizon Pacifica

www.deq.gov.mp Division of Environmental Quality
www.nps.gov/amme/main.htm [перевод] U.S. National Park Service, American Memorial Park, Saipan